Friday, 7 June 2013

The Penny Dreadful Tales Of Wonder ebook! - It Lives!

It really is a fine example of literature..
Dear readers, observers and itinerant gin sops... it gives me great pleasure to announce the release of 'The Penny Dreadful Tales Of Wonder' ebook! Now available for Kindle at the pittance of £1:54.

In any language, and with all reasoning, this is a bargain for such a work. 7 short stories (with a brand new one never before posted on this site) coming in at around 30,000 words - with a light peppering of cartoons and poetry. A perfect summer read... if you care for silly steampunk themed Victoriana.. which, as is evident, is every soul worth their salt.

So, if you have an electronic slate 'Kindle' device - capable of electro-manipulation of characters, treat yourself (and your household pet) to 'The Penny Dreadful Tales Of Wonder' ebook!