Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Issue 1 released to the general populous!

Greetings my good ladies and gentlemen,

It is with great pride and a sense of brimming elation that I present to you our very 1st issue: 'A Penny Dreadful tale of wonder - The ever-expanding egg of Captain Montgomery Ignatious Hillier the 3rd!'

This is a tale of a brave Navy Captain driven to the black dog of fear and the mauve marmoset of violence as he and his crew are cursed by an old hag.

Thrill - as the story weaves towards the occult, voodoo and the amazing!

Gasp - as the bravery and character of a British military man is tested to the fullest!

Vomit - as the full horror of the insideous Gypsy curse untangles it's sickening tallons and draws tight around the Captain and crew!

No responsibility shall be taken by the author and or publication for shivers, sensations or tingling betwixt the thighs upon reading this issue.

Read on if you dare!